Yarosh as the edgy teenager from a broken home also played her part well and added a twist that both worked and annoyed me at times. While not as tall as book Reacher, Cruise's rogue nature mixes well with Smulders modern age warrior woman to craft a realistic, crime solving MP duo. All of the cast feels like a solid military crime family, each playing that stereotypical, no nonsense attitude cinematic soldiers seem to have. Of course the comedy and story would be nothing without a good cast, and Reacher has a great lineup to keep you entertained. I felt the comedy was well integrated into the tale and not abused to keep the laughs as fresh as possible. Seeing Cruise react to some of the scenarios or deliver a sarcastically flat response were the funniest components of the film. Instead Reacher's comedy is dry where timing is the main punch line rather than mindless babbling. For those who don't know, this movie's style isn't slapstick and stupid one- liners to be endlessly quoted. Good news, the writers adapted the book to provide Reacher's famous dry humor. And like the last installment, you might be hoping for some witty comedy to help relieve the tension of the constant chase. Rest assured, Reacher's latest journey connects the dots in rapid succession to get you to the answers as quickly as possible. While some of the slower character building moments are integrated into the intense game of hide, seek, and run, they are often short, entertaining sequences that are there to set up for the impending "excitement". The pace continues to pick up through the movie, as constant pursuit from the enemy keeps our small band on their toes throughout the country. While this film is a little slow and convoluted at the beginning it does cut through most of the boring fat to get to the action packed meat. But will Hollywood deliver on its promise, or will we get another lackluster sequel from the generic mold? LIKES: Fast Pace Comedic Timing Solid casting In my experience, crime stories tend to drag out a bit before getting to the juicy drama and violence. Robbie K here reviewing Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, which promises to have some mystery, action, and comedy to entertain us. Seems this weekend is all about prequels/sequels coming to the theaters. Who can be trusted? - Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

They decide to protect her since a skilled assassin is hunting them down while they try to find the motive of the conspiracy. Jack also learns that Samantha is in danger and Turner and he rescue her. Soon, they realize that there is a conspiracy involving military people from the army and a government contractor that is a powerful arms dealer.

He sees that Turner and he have been framed and also that Turner will be killed by two assassins. When Moorcroft is murdered, Jack is accused of being the killer and sent to a prison. Further, he also tells Jack he is being sued, accused by a woman of being the father of her fifteen year-old daughter, Samantha. Jack seeks out her veteran lawyer, Colonel Bob Moorcroft, who explains that Major Turner has also been accused of the murders of two soldiers in Afghanistan. However, he meets her substitute, Colonel Sam Morgan, who explains that Major Turner has been arrested and accused of espionage.
All-in-all, I'd say this was a great movie that most people would very much enjoy watching.After accomplishing the assignment of dismantling a human trafficking organization, the former military and drifter Jack Reacher goes to Washington to invite his liaison, Major Susan Turner, to have dinner with him. I wasn't a huge fan of some of the cinematic elements and there were some flaws in one of the plot twists but nothing that really hurt the movie-watching experience.

That being said, the turns in the plot kept the film from becoming stagnant or boring and the action sequences felt real and authentic. The plot developed really well and made it more of a "thinking movie" than I anticipated. The rest of the supporting cast was solid enough and the cameo by Robert Duvall was awesome. Tom Cruise did a great job in his typical role. While there were a few gun fights, one car chase, and an explosion of sorts, it was done in a completely different manner and was more of an action thriller. I went in thinking, thanks to some slightly misleading trailers, that this was going to be a high octane action movie with a bunch of gun fights, car chases, and explosions but little development and quality. Jack Reacher was a surprisingly fantastic film.